Sberbank's IT Service Management System Certified to ISO/IEC 20000

In April 2007, BSI issued Sberbank a certificate of compliance to ISO/IEC 20000, the international IT Service Management standard. The scope of the BSI certificate covers Sberbank's central head office in Moscow.

ISO/IEC 20000 brings together the best IT practices and sets forth the basic requirements for an IT service management system (ITSM) and the key IT management processes which help to match IT services with business tasks and client demands.

Sberbank has been using the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) recommendations since 2002 to provide uninterrupted quality IT service to meet the demands of its clients and internal business units. However, it was recognized that ITIL doesn't provide the framework for managing effective IT services and that's where ISO/IEC 20000 came in. Furthermore, BSI certification to ISO/IEC 20000 meant that Sberbank could demonstrate independent compliance to ITSM best practice to all its stakeholders.

The initial assessment of Sberbank's ITSM was conducted by BSI's, locally based, Russian speaking auditors. Top management of Sberbank was impressed by the qualifications and ITSM knowledge of the auditors in relation to the bank's processes.

Certification independently shows the effectiveness of the ITSM at Sberbank. Fulfillment of the standard's requirements results in a high level of reliability and quality of the bank's IT systems along with enhanced service levels to both internal and external customers.

About Sberbank

Sberbank is the flagship Russian bank and the largest one in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2006, for the first time in its history, it was placed in The Banker's top 100 financial institutions of the world, at position 82, and it ranks 43rd in FT's list of the world's largest banks by capitalization. Sberbank's net profit in 2006 was RUB 87.9 billion.

The founder and major shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of Russia, with a share of over 60% of its charter capital. Sberbank has over 200,000 shareholders, corporate and individual.

Sberbank has 17 Regional Head Offices, 823 branches and 19,307 sub-branches.